Month: July 2012

Let the games begin…

Go Nicaragua!  6 athletes!!!!!! Go USA!  over 500!!! 🙂 Looking forward to seeing some of the action!  The Olympics are a great event…  

House Construction sidenote…

The piles of building supplies turn into excellent play areas for the kiddos!!!  Is that safe?!?!?!  Well nobody has gotten hurt, so yes? 🙂 Juliette couldn’t get on the pile….can’t resist posting a picture like this!

Casa Robles….great news on multiple fronts!

Andrew Update:  The biopsy came back from the tumor.  There are no traces of cancer in what they removed.  This was our hope and the type of tumor did not indicate there would be cancer, but getting the results of the biopsy was what… Continue Reading “Casa Robles….great news on multiple fronts!”

Medical Team…UBC Miami

Can you spot me?  I put on a cow mask and posed for the photo….it was a tough decision, but someone had to wear the mask…hahahaa!!!! We mentioned below what a blessing it was to have a group down from UBC praying for us… Continue Reading “Medical Team…UBC Miami”

Update on our house construction…

Praise Jesus after many many months we have started moving into our new annex of our home.  Our space is about doubling so once we get it all settled we will have lots of room for our growing lil’ family.  The move has begun… Continue Reading “Update on our house construction…”

Casa Robles…Update on Andrew…

So Andrew is doing so very well!  He has to remain on “bed rest”, I think you would call it, but of course I know that is a term used during pregnancies.  Either way he can’t get up and walk for a couple weeks. … Continue Reading “Casa Robles…Update on Andrew…”

Narrow Gate Summer 2012…

We would like to introduce everyone to our Narrow Gate Summer Interns.  They have been here for a few weeks already and we are behind on all things blog and newsletter, but really wanted to take a minute to mention them and ask that… Continue Reading “Narrow Gate Summer 2012…”

Robles: Andrew Update…praise Jesus!

Wow!  So proud to tell everyone that Andrew came through surgery last night and this morning will be leaving the hospital!  Amazing.  Proud for him, for a six year old to go through this the way this little boy did was awesome.  Proud for… Continue Reading “Robles: Andrew Update…praise Jesus!”

Casa Robles: Andrew is going into Surgery…

Will you please pray for Andrew now.  He is getting ready for his surgery and will be going into the operating room any minute.  To remind you it is a tumor in his inner thigh they are removing.  It is in a risky spot… Continue Reading “Casa Robles: Andrew is going into Surgery…”

Happy Birthday Aliyah…

Seven years ago we laid down for bed after a big firworks show on the 4th of July and a little bit later were headed off to the hospital and Aliyah was born early the next morning… We had another show this year with… Continue Reading “Happy Birthday Aliyah…”